Friday, November 12, 2010

Bali Is the Remedy.

Hi Friends! The Vagabonding has officially begun. Yes, the trip actually started over a month ago (which is so crazy considering it feels like I just left), but it wasn't until I got to Bali that it really sunk in. New Zealand is probably the most picturesque place I've ever been too. Australia resembled the States in more ways than the Aussies would like to admit. But Bali...Bali is what I was anticipating this trip to be like. First off...lots of Asians. Secondly, no traffic laws. And finally, the currency...Rupiah. Where there are so many zeros to count you feel like you're rich, although to Indonesian's...we are. However, lets not get it twisted as we are sill on a Backpacker's budget.
When we landed in Bali we actually stayed at a quite luxurious hotel that we has booked ahead of time since we were getting in after dark. The next morning at breakfast the concierge came up to me and said "You have a friend in the lobby." Confused, I quickly replied "I have no friends in Bali". But after a temporary struggle through the language barrier I finally got it. Ohh, on the phone! lol. Before Chey and I left the country we gave our parents the most information we had to ease their minds as we ventured out into the unknown, and in this case...the hotel info. Mama Cindy had done it again...rockstar. The next thing we know Chey and I had an hour massage ordered up to our room! Ahh, way to start the trip off right. Again, thanks mom!
Me, Anne, and Chey in Kuta
We were pleasantly surprised by blue skies the next day so we were off to Kuta Beach. Relaxation in the sun, hot surfer men everywhere, and a Bintang Beer. We even adopted a friend along the way...Dom, our English bloke who we met on our flight and ran into again in Kuta. After two days of blistering heat and humidity (and the occasional 15 minute monsoon downfall) we all decided to head to Ubud. We were becoming quite the Threes Company Trio, and when we got to the Frogs Pond Inn in Ubud we adopted another friend...Anne, from France. Everywhere we went Dom had to feel like quite the stud trekking along with us three girls. At one point the cutest Balinese guy ever...Jaring, called us Dom's Angels. haha.
Jaring was our guide when we set off on our all day bike ride through the rice fields and villages of Ubud. He was the sweetest and so cute I just wanted to put him in my pocket and take him home with me! Instead, he took us to a coffee plantation, popped into a Balinese family compound, and went to the rice fields where we actually helped the locals pick the rice. However, if I were to describe "picking" rice...just imagine slamming dried grass against a block and duck and cover from the bullet like rice grains flying at you at record speeds. I had rice in every crevice of my body after that experience.

Rice Fields in Ubud

Rice Fields along the Bike ride

Anne helping the locals pick rice

Balinese woman in the family compound

Non the less, it was an experience to see the local Balinese way of life. BTW, only the woman are in the rice fields. My first question...where the hell are the men? Jaring let me know they were home massaging the cock! ehhhem, excuse me Jaring? Don't worry friends this story is still PG. The men are home massaging the roosters...making them stronger for the cock-fights. Oh, real hard work!
I thought I would die...or at least barf after the 30k bike ride in heat, but we made it through. The local kids in the villages keep ya going when the run out to give you high-fives and say "Hello, you're beautiful!"
All in all I heart was just what we needed.


  1. Thanks for the mention Sweet Girl! One thing though...they were supposed to give you a 90-minute massage. Oh well, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Miss you...MOM

  2. Love reading your posts. Your dad kept us updated on your set back..........way to get through it! You R amazing!
    Happy TG, XO donna

  3. Jering was the perfect guide ever, I wonder why they don't have him everywhere :)
