Wednesday, August 11, 2010


For those of you who know me, you also know that I come with another half, my P.I.C. (that means Partner in Crime for those of you who don’t speak acronym), my BFF…Darcy! Friends, meet Darc:
Darcy at New Orleans Jazz Fest
It’s quite important to introduce Darcy early in the blogging saga since I can pretty much guarantee her being the subject of many of the stories to come. Plus, I will be sure to recap our cross country Road trip for those of you Vagabonders, but first I would like to fill you in on last Monday night.

I admit, my Monday evenings living with the new roommates (aka. Mom and Gene) don’t usually include much excitement. And no, the season finale of the Bachelorette doesn’t count! However, when I received the text from Darcy telling me to come through the new tattoo shop, Inkistry that just opened in Livermore, it sounded like a recipe for distraction. Although it was after closing time, when I got there the music was bumpin’, needles were buzzin’ and it seemed like a perfect time to get some new ink. So in the pure spirit of my travels to come, what is more symbolic than something that always guides you? A reminder of no matter where this life takes me I will find my way right where I need to be!

Me + new Tattoo
J.R.R Tolkien once said, "Not all who wander are lost." I love this quote! It reminds me of myself…haha. I’ve got a lot of wandering to do and although I am a human compass ( I’m not talking about driving directions for those of you who just laughed out loud at this claim. I’m referring to my amazing ability to know my N. S. E. & W.) I am actually looking forward to those moments where I am going to have no idea where I am. Some of the best memories come in times like that! But in all seriousness, Darcy and I got these tattoos because no matter where we may need to wander off to we will always know where our compasses point…where my best friend is!


  1. Haha. We could have used a compass and map when searching for the magic fountain at the Cisco HQ in San Jose :))

  2. Hi All,
    Thanks for all your comments. Yes Charley...this would have been helpful during our adventure. That or your GPS. Haha.
    I thought I'd switch out my pic of my new tattoo since the last one was blurry. This pic is much better…
