Monday, May 16, 2011

On The Road To Chamonix

To kick off our road trip, Heath and I made the necessary stop to get some boarding in. Oh, how I've always dreamed of not only seeing the Alps, but snowboarding down some fresh powder on this magnificent mountain range...yes, that's what I'm talking about. So, where did we go? The oh so charming town of Chamonix. Situated in the heart of the French Alps, not too far away from the boarder of Italy...the Italian and French Alps at there greatest.
Me and Heath at the top

Having a friend is always a good thing. Having a friend with a Chateau in the mountains of Argentier is just plain lucky. See, Heath's Mom skied competitively in Chamonix back in the Day...a Ski Ballerina really. And any team mate of the fabulous Huia Pope, would have her Son over with open arms. Gary and Anna hosted us like their own. Gary! The fact that you have a swing in your living room gives you even more style points that you already had!
The Chateau

Chamonix, France
 We even got a private tour of Mount Blanc by the Pro. He led us over the mountain, through the woods...and over the glacier we go. Yeah, a Glacier! I've never seen one before this and now i get to navigate over one. Awesome!
Take in this view! 
Chair lift to the top of Mt. Blanc

Here is some footage of the day on Chamonix:

I would could have stayed there for days but the road trip must continue...Heath and I set south and zoomed on.

1 comment:

  1. Don't stop the posting! =/

    You are getting lazy Gorgee!

