Thursday, September 16, 2010

Golden Beauty

They say that when your age lands on the same date as your birthday it’s golden. I say when you’re turning 27 on the 27th it’s Beautiful!
Just this last August 27th my dear friend Cheyenne stamped that beautimous day down in the history books. Her bestest friend, Ms. Kristen Budde and I took our celebrated friend out into the dim lights and warm air of San Francisco this joyous night…and I swear I haven’t laughed so hard, had so much fun, or had such a successful “girls night on the town” in….who knows how long!

We started out with our first carafe of sangria at 7:30 at Pene Pachamama in North Beach. Weird name, but a fabulous yet very strange choice for the Birthday girl considering it’s not in her usual mission hood. Anyway, we surely were not in Kansas anymore! Sitting there in the middle of North Beach district I felt as thought I had stepped into a time warp that teleported us smack dab in the middle of Spain. Me Gusta!

For those of you who know Cheyenne you know she is a free spirit, a hippie at heart, a bird of another color to say the least! For these very reasons…she is loved by many…but I love her the most! I met Cheyenne just two short years ago when we were rooting our moms on for their 65 mile Cinderella bicycle race. What started out as my new friend in San Francisco turned into Kickball teammate (yes, an adult league for 4th grade kickball!) which evolved into the best of friends and eventually, what you all are witnessing now….travel partners! That’s right friends…the only other person who’s crazy to join me on the epic journey I just told you about a blog ago…the vagabond herself…Chey!
Cheyenne in Seattle
Now, when three best friends go out to celebrate a twenty something birthday it isn’t always broadcasted throughout the restaurant. Unless, of course, you’re dining at Pene Pachamama and the live Flamenco show invites you to join as part of the evening’s entertainment. Try to imagine: The band is singing ¡feliz cumpleaƱos! while one of the dancers snatches Cheyenne out of the crowd and before we know it there we are, in the middle of Espana, watching our friend dance Flamenco in front of the entire restaurant. Yes! I love it! Happy Birthday Chey! Did I mention we were 2 Carafes in?

Me, Chey, and Kristen (old pic, but we reunite.)
Three hours later and another carafe down we decided to part ways with the fabulous live music, step back into San Francisco and teeter over to a local watering hole. At this point we’re feeling great, loving life and thankful for amazing friends to spend it with. What better way to spend a night out in the city? At this moment the bouncer must have been wondering the same thing asks Cheyenne how we are doing. With all the gusto and animation you can imagine coming from Chey, she replies “We Are Beautiful!!!” His response “Yeah, you are!” lol. Although her response was innocent enough I thought is was the perfect account of a beautiful night out, celebrating beautiful Cheyenne’s golden birthday.